Three Rivers Area Model Plane Society (T.R.A.M.P.S.) is made up of people who enjoy building and flying radio-controlled model airplanes. We are affiliated with the Academy of Model Aeronautics (A.M.A.), a national organization representing over 2500 similar clubs. Our membership averages about 40 members of all ages with varied interests including trainers, warbirds, aerobatics, and gliders powered by electric, glow, and gas engines. The one characteristic we all share in common is the enjoyment of building, flying, and talking about model airplanes. We fly at two facilities in Muskogee. The facility used on most Saturdays and during the week is Scriminger Field, which is located behind Bower Motor Sports on the Muskogee Turnpike access road between Gibson St. and Chandler Rd. On the first Saturday morning of each month we conduct our monthly club meeting at Scriminger field. Visitors are always welcome, whether they just want to observe the flying or have an interest in learning to fly. We have qualified flight instructors and trainer airplanes available to help anyone interested in becoming a part of our wonderful hobby.